Secure I AM Alarm Service COVID 19 Outbreak Update:-
Returning to Work & Thermal Screening Solutions.
Covid 19 - Please keep well and follow Government and WHO guidelines.
For many of us, work may seem like a distant memory, the UK government is looking at returning many of us to work in the coming weeks.
There are lots of things we all need to do to ensure the safety of our customers, employees and suppliers.
Thermal screening is a method of checking people for abnormally high temperatures. Conventionaly done with thermometers, this requires close contact to take the temperature and bodily contact for the thermometer.
There are now several Thermal screening solutions to identify someone with a high temperature. One of COVID 19 symptoms is a abnormally high temperature.
Secure I AM have Hikvision Thermal Screening solutions available from £1200.
Please see out Corona virus Hikvision thermal screening page, with videos and more details of the solutions available, please contact us for more details.
Please help others that are in isolation or find it difficult to get their shopping done, if you are able to do so safely.
Wayne Robertson
Secure I AM